#4. Singing
Brian has never known me to sing around the house. I usually reserve that for the privacy of my car and the amusement of other drivers nearby! However, I am now singing ridiculous, made-up, nonsensical songs all the live long day. The lyrics are ever-changing, but usually go something like this (to the tune of Happy Birthday):
Ethan boy is so cute
Ethan boy is so cute
Ethan boy is such a cutie
Ethan boy is so cute
I think my IQ just dropped another 10 points by writing this down and publishing it to the blog...
#3. Laughing
I will do anything, absolutely anything, to get a giggle to come out of the boy! He has recently started making the greatest little laughing sounds, but they are few and far between depending on how hungry he is and how well he's napped. When we get them, they're totally worth it! When I see my chance, I make as many faces and silly noises as I can think of, and then I am so delighted when it works that I jump up and down.
#2. Pictures and videos
I recently forced three of my coworkers to watch a little mini-video of the boy during his tummy time. (Apologies to all of you!) Everything he does, I have to capture using our digital cameras, and nothing gets erased. Not even the videos of him spitting up. (Cute? Well, kind of...)
#1. Conversation
And last but not least, since Ethan has just started going to bed earlier and sleeping pretty well at night, Brian and I are just starting to watch the news again. We have had short conversations on things like politics, the economy, how wonderfully eloquent our new President is....and have just barely moved beyond the kind of diapers Ethan produced at daycare, what noises he made today, and whether or not he played in the Jumperoo.
I'm not going to worry too much about the lost IQ points, though. He's really getting even more fun by the day, and Brian and I are both thrilled with every little thing he does.