Since the Farmer's Market opened again about a month ago, Ethan-boy and I have headed there every Saturday morning. (Yet another example of how things have changed since having a baby - I like fresh fruits and vegetables, but wasn't willing to get up at 6 am on Saturdays to get some!) I really like getting him outside when he gets up - I think the fresh air is good for both of us first thing in the morning! And the folks at the Farmer's Market are generally very nice - many of the vendors will talk to Ethan while I'm picking out strawberries or scones, and he even got his first fresh apricot this morning. (Not sure if he likes those yet...)
This morning I left pretty annoyed, however. I'm in line for some delicious blueberries at about 7:15 and this woman I've never seen before looks at Ethan and says to me, very concerned, "He's yawning." Yes, I know.... I sort of half smiled and finished paying for my fruit, as she walked away saying, "He must be wondering, 'Gosh, Mom [meaning me], what are you doing to me?'"
While I am well aware that "it takes a village to raise a child" (and I agree), I would at least like to invite people into my village before they help me raise him! They should at least be villagers from the Jones-Jewett clan. I had lots of fun on the way home imagining what I could have said if I had the guts - like, "He woke me up an hour ago, so I'm punishing him by bringing him to the land of fresh produce. Call DCFS!"
I'm over my passive-agressive rant now. Thank you for reading. :) Luckily Ethan isn't too concerned. He's busy with other things, like the book that his Auntie Karen and Uncle Ron brought him last weekend.

It was great to see them! I think Aunt Karin was a little worried that Ethan would react the same way he did to my cousin Chris. ( But Mr. Ethan is a very different baby now - he takes naps and everything (most days) and is much more cheerful than he was waaaayyyy back in March.