Other highlights of Ethan's newfound adventurous spirit: Finding him behind the entertainment center after turning our backs (I swear!) for 5 seconds, climbing onto the kitchen table using the chairs, and crawling under our end tables to locate the cats behind the couch. (I wonder why they're hiding! :)
Thursday, January 28, 2010
We're in trouble
Other highlights of Ethan's newfound adventurous spirit: Finding him behind the entertainment center after turning our backs (I swear!) for 5 seconds, climbing onto the kitchen table using the chairs, and crawling under our end tables to locate the cats behind the couch. (I wonder why they're hiding! :)
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
My New Love...
....my iPhone. :) I have been looking forward to this purchase for AGES. I can read email on it, check the weather, play games, send cute pictures of the baby,....oh, and call people on it. And it's got a pretty awesome camera, too! Picture taken with my digital camera:

Picture taken with the iPhone today:
The pathetic Ethan face is not an iPhone problem. It may be due in part to the fact that Mr. Boy has at least 2 teeth coming in, or that he is just barely getting over a bug that went into his eyes and ears after 10 days of his nose running like a faucet....or it could be that his Illinois basketball team is not faring well these days. Who knows? Anyway, he has not been the jolly boy that we're used to. :( Poor kid. It's hard being a baby when your parents aren't mind readers.
Picture taken with the iPhone today:
Monday, January 11, 2010
Vegetarian Boy Update
I discovered today that it is not meat Ethan detests. It is the way his mother prepares meat that he turns his nose up at! At daycare: chili with beans, sausage, and onions. At home: pulled pork is thrown on the floor. At daycare: salami & cheese (ick). At home: turkey sandwich is finely separated so that the bread can be eaten and the turkey is on the floor. I'm trying not to take it personally. :)
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Vegetarian Boy
I promise that Brian and I have not been promoting vegetarianism at our house in front of the impressionable baby! (We eat meat, after all....) Ethan, all by himself, seems to have declared himself a vegetarian - and just in time, since I just made a huge batch of ground chicken and stuck it in the freezer for him. :)

So now the challenge (besides keeping our floors clean) is to fill this boy with some kind of protein. Lentils (a great suggestion!) worked for one day, and then they were spit out of his mouth, even though they were part of this great dish with apples and cheese. (I ate the leftovers.) The quinoa (another great suggestion!) seems to pass muster as long as I make it like oatmeal and mix it with bananas, squash, and lots of cinnamon. (Actually, I've eaten those leftovers, too. They're pretty darn good.) Some current favorites: cottage cheese pancakes, grilled cheese sandwiches, cheesy brown rice...do we see a theme here? Anything cheese-related is generally a huge hit, but I'm looking for more suggestions of ways to be creative with a baby who has decided that meat is unacceptable!
The cutest thing that Mr. Ethan is up to right now food-wise is offering me some of his finger foods. :) After he begins to get a taste of what he's eating, he'll hold out a piece of pancake or banana for me to eat out of his hand. So sweet!
The cutest thing that Mr. Ethan is up to right now food-wise is offering me some of his finger foods. :) After he begins to get a taste of what he's eating, he'll hold out a piece of pancake or banana for me to eat out of his hand. So sweet!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Who's Edna?
No cute pictures this time, everyone. Sorry. :)
Ethan has not yet said his first word. He's having long, full babbling conversations with and about something or someone, however! Edna (or maybe Aidan?) is a combination of vowels and consonants that we hear coming from his mouth pretty regularly when he gets excited, so I think that he's developed an imaginary friend and he's telling her (or him) what bad parents he has. You know, the ones who take him away from his toys to change his diaper, who won't let him play with the oven, and who try to put on his mittens when we go outside in the frigid single-digit temperatures.
While we're anxiously awaiting "mama" and "dada", we're really enjoying the sounds that he comes up with - they sound so much like real speech! And he has been so giggly lately. I can't wait for some talking, but I know that "mama" could potentially be yelled from a crib in the middle of the night, and "noooooo" will someday be screamed from the front of a shopping cart in the middle of Target. I'll enjoy the babble while it lasts. :)
Ethan has not yet said his first word. He's having long, full babbling conversations with and about something or someone, however! Edna (or maybe Aidan?) is a combination of vowels and consonants that we hear coming from his mouth pretty regularly when he gets excited, so I think that he's developed an imaginary friend and he's telling her (or him) what bad parents he has. You know, the ones who take him away from his toys to change his diaper, who won't let him play with the oven, and who try to put on his mittens when we go outside in the frigid single-digit temperatures.
While we're anxiously awaiting "mama" and "dada", we're really enjoying the sounds that he comes up with - they sound so much like real speech! And he has been so giggly lately. I can't wait for some talking, but I know that "mama" could potentially be yelled from a crib in the middle of the night, and "noooooo" will someday be screamed from the front of a shopping cart in the middle of Target. I'll enjoy the babble while it lasts. :)
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