For awhile now, Ethan has been hooked on phones. Especially our old cell phones, which open and close (we're still big on open and close), but really any phone that has buttons and lights up. Apparently he's also been watching Brian and me talk on the phone, and thinks that this is what we sound like:
You will also notice that he is big on bowls. That particular bowl is a favorite; when the pre-op people told us the other day that we could bring a stuffed animal or blanket that Ethan was particularly attached to, we really couldn't lay our hands on anything nice and baby-like to bring for Ethan's post-surgery anxiety.....we brought the bowl. :)
Friday, February 19, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
"That was nasty!"
Tubes are in! And the surgeon who did it today reassured us that it was a good decision, saying afterwards, "That was nasty! This was a good thing to do."
I know I keep repeating this, but Ethan might be the cutest boy in the world in his little gown. I expected that he would be starving with no breakfast (I tried to give him a bottle in the middle of the night, but he wasn't having it....), but he was really great! Mostly he was just tired since his mother tried to force feed him at midnight and then he couldn't get back to sleep. (Nice going, huh?)
It really was as quick as everyone said. They wheeled him back in sleeping, and then when he woke up, he was possibly the floppiest, unhappiest little guy ever. But the nurse assured us that as soon as we headed out of the room and down the hall he would be right back to normal, and she was right!
And after we got home, he played just like he usually does, though Brian and I did a few little experiments on our child to see if he noticed the difference in his hearing. (His hearing was in the normal range, but the doctors thought it might be muffled with all of the fluid in there.) Actually, me slamming the car door set off a fresh bout of crying, so that's one thing that he's hearing more clearly. (Again, NICE GOING, Alexis!) He still won't always respond when I call his name, but that's when he's playing and I'm pretty sure he's ignoring me. :)
And after we got home, he played just like he usually does, though Brian and I did a few little experiments on our child to see if he noticed the difference in his hearing. (His hearing was in the normal range, but the doctors thought it might be muffled with all of the fluid in there.) Actually, me slamming the car door set off a fresh bout of crying, so that's one thing that he's hearing more clearly. (Again, NICE GOING, Alexis!) He still won't always respond when I call his name, but that's when he's playing and I'm pretty sure he's ignoring me. :)
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Well (fed) Baby
Today was Ethan's official 15 month Well Baby appointment. (I hate to say it, but I really look forward to these! I get to find out how much he weighs, how long he is, and I get to show off my good-looking son to all of the nurses and our favorite pediatrician.) He's grinning at himself in the office mirror here, so he apparently agrees with me that he's the cutest boy ever:
Ethan is, as we already knew, HUGE. 34.5 inches long (97th percentile) and 29.1 pounds (94th percentile). His doctor made fun of me (again) for worrying about his weight when he was a little skinny guy at 6 months. (I know, I know...)
What we did spend a little time talking about was Ethan's ears. They're very cute, of course :), but he's been digging in them for several months and has had at least 2 ear infections since December (I say "at least" because we find out about them when we see the doctor for something completely unrelated - "Oh, and this ear is infected, too!"). We've had the ENTs check him out a few times, and there has been lots of fluid in there for awhile. So it's time for tubes for Mr. Ethan. While it's surgery, and I hate the thought, it will take about 5 minutes to do, and Ethan goes home with us as soon as he's all done. In his doctor's words, "You won't even have time for a cup of coffee." :)
What we did spend a little time talking about was Ethan's ears. They're very cute, of course :), but he's been digging in them for several months and has had at least 2 ear infections since December (I say "at least" because we find out about them when we see the doctor for something completely unrelated - "Oh, and this ear is infected, too!"). We've had the ENTs check him out a few times, and there has been lots of fluid in there for awhile. So it's time for tubes for Mr. Ethan. While it's surgery, and I hate the thought, it will take about 5 minutes to do, and Ethan goes home with us as soon as he's all done. In his doctor's words, "You won't even have time for a cup of coffee." :)
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
This blog entry is devoted to the bigger boy in our house. :) An acronym for "Profiling of Winter Storms", PLOWS has come close to taking over Brian's life this winter. Whereas the normal person tries to avoid bad weather, Brian flies into it. (He doesn't actually do the flying, thank goodness...but he does get to ride in the cockpit - very exciting. :)
On Wednesday, there was "show and tell" day out at our local airport (they usually fly out of Peoria, but the plane was here for the day), and since Ethan and I were daycare-less, we headed out for the event! BIG plane. A revamped military cargo plane, this one is filled with just a few seats and much equipment. There are sensors on the wings to take readings as they fly through clouds, and we got to see the little hole in the plane where they shoot the dropsondes out. While this project is taking up just tons of Brian's time, he's kind of enjoying it. I enjoy it slightly less :), since we can't plan anything more than a day in advance - the meterologist-on-call has to be ready to fly any time. But I'm glad he's having fun, and this is a great project for him to be so involved with.
In the meantime, we're all having a good, though messy, winter! Ethan is a great cold weather boy (he did NOT get that from his mother) and doesn't mind at all being hauled outside to go every which way on the weekends. We've gotten into a nice Sunday breakfast routine, where we either go out with my folks or just the three of us. We're finding several restaurants in town that are very family friendly and don't mind when there is a 3 inch layer of pancake or muffin crumbs on the floor when we leave. (Brian is just so messy!) Or maybe they mind, but they don't say it to our faces. And we tip pretty well. :)
(By the way, this is just one of my favorite pictures - and was taken with an iPhone - but Ethan isn't really coloring with those crayons. We try, but they always seem to end up in his mouth. Sigh.)
In the meantime, we're all having a good, though messy, winter! Ethan is a great cold weather boy (he did NOT get that from his mother) and doesn't mind at all being hauled outside to go every which way on the weekends. We've gotten into a nice Sunday breakfast routine, where we either go out with my folks or just the three of us. We're finding several restaurants in town that are very family friendly and don't mind when there is a 3 inch layer of pancake or muffin crumbs on the floor when we leave. (Brian is just so messy!) Or maybe they mind, but they don't say it to our faces. And we tip pretty well. :)
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