Where have we been all these weeks - good question! Things have been a little hectic around here lately, but I think we may have our heads on straight again. Whew! In the meantime, Ethan is still being his healthy, rambunctious, toddler self!

Until this weekend arrived, it's been Spring around these parts, and Ethan and I have been in the park every chance we get! There is a little park right near our house (perfect!) so we head there often. Ethan hasn't decided whether or not he likes he swings yet, but the fire engine and slide are a huge hit.
Our latest favorite activity is our Saturday playgroup. The U of I has students enrolled in a class where they get course credit to run this amazing playgroup - each week, we focus on a new topic, such as motor skills, exploration, choices...and there are little centers set up for the kids to move around. So far, we are having the best time. Today, Ethan got to play in a soapy truck-filled water table, climb up and down an obstacle course, get swung in a blanket, and slide down the indoor slide about a million times. The students kept commenting, "Wow, he's really vocal today!" (Polite student code for, "Wow, he's really loud!" :) He was a happy happy guy. And then took a super long nap when we got home. Yea for playgroup!)

But a necessary step today was also the beauty salon - Ethan's hair (as you may be able to tell) was out of control. We're very lucky to have a kid with a nice head of hair (luckily for him he ended up with the thick, curly Jewett hair rather than the thin, wispy Jones hair - no offense, Mom and Dad), but this is actually the third haircut he's needed since he turned one. And since he rubs his hair with whatever breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snack residue is on his hands, we wanted to take care of some of the length before he was wearing a ponytail. I have tons of pictures of the experience, but they're pretty darn blurry. Here's the result. Not bad, huh? :)