We have a snuggly boy on our hands. I will never ever want that to change. Lately, he's been even more snuggly, and since his vocabulary is increasing, we are having even more fun with him.
Because we are a moderately touchy-feely couple, Ethan is becoming a touchy-feely boy. He knows several emotion words now - sad, happy, and mad, and can usually name them to the appropriate situation. (If he hears a baby crying in the store, he'll pay close attention and say, "Sad baby." And lots of pictures of characters in the books we read are "Happy" - especially the mommies of the babies who are using the potty - we are choosing a lot of those books these days. :)
His favorite word lately is "Hug!" This so sweet, though I am just beginning to realize that he is using the hugs to often times avoid things that he doesn't want to do - like get his shoes on, get his diaper changed, get his face wiped after a meal...But it is really hard to resist. We give him about a million hugs right before bed, and he is still holding his arms out for more as we leave the room - who can resist that? Here he is soon before bed (hence the half-clothed look) getting some much-needed cuddling and saying hi to Papa (Grampa) while mowing the kitchen floor:
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
Happy Birthday to Me!
Quiz: Think of a two digit number where the two digits add to 12, it's a multiple of 3, and the ones digit is three times the tens digit. If you worked through the math, congratulations, you know how old I am. If you didn't have the energy or simply didn't care, thank you. :)
Great weekend, though! My folks came over for waffles and bacon (yum) and brought my gift - an apple pie (yum) and Brian unveiled my birthday cake (yum!). So it's been good eatin' at the Jones-Jewett household for a few days here.
And Valentine's Day isn't a bad way to start a week, either. I was a little surprised when Ethan's teacher handed me a list of names on Friday - isn't the 2 year old room a little young for Valentine's cards??? But apparently they had made containers (fingerpainted on bags - kind of cute) for some treats, so I had to do something. Enter the crafty blogosphere, and an hour and a half later, Ethan's class had some cute little bags for fruit snacks! I've been wanting to pull out my sewing machine for awhile now, and this gave me just the perfect excuse. So easy and so fun.
(It's good that I'm doing this now when Ethan has 9 classmates as opposed to someday when he has 25 of them. :)
Great weekend, though! My folks came over for waffles and bacon (yum) and brought my gift - an apple pie (yum) and Brian unveiled my birthday cake (yum!). So it's been good eatin' at the Jones-Jewett household for a few days here.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Digital Boy
SNOW DAY! Actually, that should be plural...we had two snow days this week, with the big huge winter storm that we got here in the Midwest. I was kind of looking forward to the 12-24 inches of snow that my husband promised me, but the atmosphere didn't deliver such joy...it was more like 7 inches of mix that was near impossible to shovel. Oh, well. Two days off in the middle of the week - I'm not complaining!
So Ethan and I stayed home together, and had an absolute blast. He is finally healthy, besides a little cough, so he is full of energy and ready for just about anything. (Brian and I shoveled out my car this morning, and put the little boy in the car - didn't turn it on or anything, just let him climb around turning on the hazard lights, finding stuff in my glove compartment, pulling out all the toys that I had just cleaned up in the car...he was happy for at least a half hour. Amazing.) One of his latest interests is my iPhone ("Upon"), and he can easily find an Elmo video to watch if I let him hold it by himself. He also loves the iPad, and you can see that he found a willing partner today (my dad loves his iPad) to play games with:
The problem is that if we let him play with gadgets all day long, I'm afraid he won't take a nap. And there is something required about a nap on snow days, so we are also trying to keep him as physically active as possible, within the confines of our small (but heated) house. Lately he has taken to "dancing", which for him is basically jumping up and down, though it does resemble Flashdance a little bit...(And what he is saying is "Eda, Eda, Eda's dance" - Ethan's dance. :)
So Ethan and I stayed home together, and had an absolute blast. He is finally healthy, besides a little cough, so he is full of energy and ready for just about anything. (Brian and I shoveled out my car this morning, and put the little boy in the car - didn't turn it on or anything, just let him climb around turning on the hazard lights, finding stuff in my glove compartment, pulling out all the toys that I had just cleaned up in the car...he was happy for at least a half hour. Amazing.) One of his latest interests is my iPhone ("Upon"), and he can easily find an Elmo video to watch if I let him hold it by himself. He also loves the iPad, and you can see that he found a willing partner today (my dad loves his iPad) to play games with:
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