We've been having a busy but fun time. The weather has finally improved, and we've been outside as much as possible. After my whining on Facebook about the Champaign Park District scheduling an awesome Touch a Truck opportunity during the day when I'm at work, I found an event in Savoy that allowed kids the opportunity to do the exact same thing. Here is a very happy Ethan climbing around a fire truck:
He is also talking in full sentences right now. Last year at this time he wouldn't say a word. Still no pointing or waving or signing even though I was desperately trying to communicate! Some of my favorites lately are:
1. "You not funny, Mama. Just Ethan." Which of course made me laugh even more...
2. "I do not want to go to school!" Oh, sweetie, it's a little early in your life for that one.
3. And this morning's breakfast conversation:
Ethan: "I want jam."
Alexis: "On a roll or on toast?"
Ethan: "No roll. No toast. Jam."
Alexis: "Honey, we can't just eat jam by itself."
Ethan: "Jam with a spoon."
Alexis, getting a little exasperated: "No, Ethan, no jam on a spoon."
Ethan: "Yes! Yes, jam! Not no, just yes!"