So apparently I have become a once a month blogger. :( I'm going to review the last 5 weeks (or more?!) in no apparent order.
First of all, we have moved! We are in our new, wonderful house right now. The other house is a distant memory...except some of our stuff is still in our messy garage, we need a new kitchen floor in the old place, the guy who was supposed to paint our bathroom hasn't finished, and oh, yeah, it isn't on the market. But enough about that. Our new house is awesome!

After Ethan's first playdate in the new house. They had fun!

New Year's Even went by without us staying up late in any way. We never do! I seriously would love to go to bed at 10:00 (at the latest) every single night. Above is Ethan at "Noon Year's Eve" at the library. I tell people that I go to this party with him because
he can't stay up until midnight. It's not because of him. :)

I swear the best part of our Christmas Break (way better than moving) was the time I got to spend with Mr. Ethan all day long. One day near the end of our beloved break (sniff) we drove to Bloomington to go to the children's museum there. We had never been there - So. Much. Fun! For me, as much as for him. Let's be honest, parents - aren't there a lot of things we do for our kids that we are kind of bored with? Not this museum. I honestly had as much fun as Ethan here. And I sent so many pictures back to my mom that she wants to make the trip with us next time. :)