Thanksgiving was great. Both sides of the family made huge effort to make things easy on us - my parents hosted the evening, and Brian's sister, mother, and two of his nephews drove all the way from Cincinnati to join us all. Great fun, especially since Brian's mom hadn't been able to meet the Ethan boy yet. They bonded very quickly!
The only downside was that with all of the excitement, Ethan was a seriously overtired boy by the end of the festivities. (So were his parents!) I have been reading What to Expect the First Year whenever I have questions about anything - that book is great - and there's a section entitled, "Do you have a challenging baby?" (Aren't all babies a challenge???) I think we officially have an "active baby" - kicks off blankets, restless when being fed, sleeps less than most, frustrated to not be independently mobile (he is ready to use those legs, I swear), alert, interested and interesting...those all describe this guy. As I type this, he's even being active in his sleep! We have a sleep wedge in the portable crib, and his bassinet propped up just a little bit to help with the reflux, and he ends up at the bottom of both by the end of every nap! And his mom needs to learn how not to overstimulate him. Every time I have him awake and alert, rather than awake and unhappy, I'm talking, singing, reading, doing everything I can to play with him. He has these expressions that are just so fun to watch and imitate! Poor kid...
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