I have to post about a wonderful book I'm reading right now - Operating Instructions by Anne Lamott. As you may have guessed, the book is about babies - it's a journal of her first year with her son Sam. I'm going to be very sad when this book is over. (Very few books do that to me - I think The Namesake was the last one...) If I were eloquent and as talented as Anne Lamott is, this is the book I would write about having a baby! She talks about being madly in love with her beautiful boy, utterly frustrated and inept when he's colicky...she even describes the first thermometer episode, the first bath, the first time he falls off something...it's incredibly touching and also a laugh riot.

And Ethan is becoming a literary wonder, but he's starting a little slower. :) As I may have mentioned in a previous post, part of our really nice bedtime routine is to read a book or two before putting Ethan to bed. Brian and I (and I'm sure Ethan, too) are really liking Sandra Boynton! Brian will actually mimic it when we're someplace else (though I doubt you'll get him to admit it), "And the apples and eggs, but not the broccoli..."
1 comment:
".....a cow says mooooooo, a sheep says baaaaaaaah........3 singing pigs say, LA, LA, LA!!! no, no you say! That's not right! Pigs say oink all day and night!"
and my youngest is about to turn 21! I wonder if he remembers it as well as I do??!!
Well, at least there's some memory left! Now if I could only find my glasses.......
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