Thursday, October 29, 2009

Alexis hates developmental charts!

She does! (I do, really.)

We had Ethan's 12 month well-baby appointment today, and it all went really well. He's HUGE! He's gained tons of weight and is very very healthy. But at every appointment, we turn in these "Ages and Stages" checklists. Does your baby throw a ball? Does your baby point to the ball? Does your baby pick up a Cheerio with the tips of his fingers? Does your baby pick up a Cheerio with the tips of his fingers and his hands off the highchair tray? Does your baby throw the Cheerios but put the ball in his mouth??? (Yes.) I'm a teacher, and I know very well that all children develop at their own rates. But we couldn't check anything in the "communication" category, and that does bother me a little bit. No, he doesn't say Mama and Dada to us (though he does babble both at times), he doesn't point to something he wants, yada yada yada.... That bothers me, probably unreasonably. I'm also trying to do some baby signing with him, but he's probably not getting it yet because I'm fairly inconsistent with it!

Anyway, Ethan's awesome. I think his only problem is his neurotic mother. :)


Anonymous said...

developmental charts - made to create anxious parents. i agree. throw them away! (this from the mom whose genius son walked at 18 months.......)

Cynthia said...

I totally agree with you about those stupid charts. I feel like such a bad parent when they ask if she can do something and I have to say, "I don't know. I've never tried."