Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Elbow Man

Well, I can't find Brian's camera, and every time I try to take pictures or videos of Ethan now he grabs the phone and wants to watch all the cute movies of no pictures this time. But trust me, he's still as cute as can be!

He is also about to turn two. !!! When did that happen?! He sure acts like it, too. If he gets in "trouble" (is told "no"), he'll do something to get back at us, like throw a Cheerio or Kleenex on the floor...and then look right at me, as if he's saying, "What are you gonna do about that?". It's so funny. Not so funny is the whining squealing noise that he shrieks when he's frustrated about something, or the fact that getting him into the car seat sometimes is enough of a struggle that I'm worried someone is going to call DCFS on me. It's good thing he's cute!

He's also doing a lot more talking these days. Below you'll see the latest words of the last two weeks, in order of helpfulness (best to worst):

1. Hi! (Said to just about everyone when we're grocery shopping. Pretty cute - I like to think that we're brightening the day for folks at Meijer.:)
2. All done! (This doesn't happen often, but when it does, it's adorable. He does the sign along with it, which is a relief since I've been trying to teach him that one for almost a year and a half!)
3. Apple ("Appo")
4. Bubbles (What's funny is that he's not even that crazy about bubbles most of the time)
5. Elbow (What?! How in the world is that helpful? This is one that probably won't come up in regular conversation a whole lot - how often do you talk about your elbow???)

1 comment:

Amy said...

I think Elbow is really advanced!

Get ready for "Me Do It!" about everything and "I Did It!" even when he didn't. "I did it!" usually signals a mess you need to clean up...