(Scene: A gorgeous 40 degree day...Ethan is dying to go outside.)
Alexis: Ethan, we're going to head home to see Sarah.
Ethan: Sarah. Outside?
Alexis: No, honey, Sarah is going to be inside. We'll play inside with Sarah!
Ethan: Sarah. Mama. Outside?
Alexis: Um, no, baby. Sarah and Mama will be inside with Ethan. We'll play inside!
Ethan: Sarah. Mama. Inside. Ethan - outside.
Alexis: (sighs)
Alexis: Ethan, it's time to go home from the park and make dinner. We're going to leave when I count to five, OK?
Ethan: OK.
Alexis: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. OK, time to go home!
Ethan: Nooooooooooooo!
Alexis: Ethan, should I carry you or do you want to walk?
Ethan: Nooooooooooooo!
Alexis: OK, carry you!
Ethan: No. No carry you! No dinner! No way, Mama!
He is so fun right now! (No, really. These conversations aren't the only ones we have, just the most amusing.) He is interested in so much, and has strong opinions on everything. Naptime? No way! Fruit snacks? Yes! Finger paint? No way, Mama. But paintbrushes...
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