I was thinking that it might be time to work in another post to this blog, given that it's been almost a MONTH since my last one! Yikes...
So, just to recap the last three weeks:
1. Ethan is getting cuter by the day

I could have taken a million pictures of Ethan and my Dad that day. There is a little park in between our two houses. It's a great little park, and Ethan usually loves it and hates to go home, but when we got there, Ethan didn't want to stay and play at the park with Papa. He wanted to walk back to Papa's house with him and play with the iPad. (Sigh.)
In related cute Ethan news, we had his first Parent Teacher Conference last night. As a teacher, I was soooo excited when they let us know they'd be doing this. A 2 1/2 year old gets a conference? How cool! And it was a real conference, too - she had assessments she had done in November and compared them to what she saw in him now, and we could see all the ways in which he is growing and changing. It was all fantastic news, with a few minor things that irked me (and I am sure the same will be true of future conferences, so I should just take a deep breath and get over it!). Like when his teacher referred to him as a "follower". Now, first of all, I think that term gets a bad rep. Not everyone can be a leader! It only makes sense that there must be a much larger proportion of followers in the world compared to leaders, or very little would get done and there would be even more fighting in the world than there is now. (Just my opinion.) But his teacher (who I really do like a lot, don't get me wrong) was mentioning that in the same breath as his love and interest in other children, that he always wants to be with other kids, and I think that's absolutely great. So there. (You'll have to imagine me sticking my tongue out now. I'm highly mature.) The comments of hers that I am going to spend much more time focusing on were her descriptions of him as a sweet, caring, empathetic boy. Whenever someone gets hurt or is sad, Ethan is right there to give them a hug. I'm kind of tearing up just thinking about that now, actually. What a sweetheart.
2. Spring teased us with gorgeous sunshine and warm temps, and then went away

I actually wore shorts to go running on the day this particular picture was taken, and came back to Ethan and Brian "cleaning" out the car. (Meaning Brian was cleaning it out and Ethan was turning on every button he could find while climbing back and forth between the front and back seats.) No shorts since. It got cooooold again. And stormy. And still cold. And more storms to come. Grump grump grump. Ethan and I are home tomorrow for Good Friday, and I'm going to do my best to keep him entertained indoors with the risk of strong thunderstorms coming our way. Luckily for me, he is not afraid (yet) of noisy storms. Earlier this week, I got him up out of bed because a big one was hitting town, and we hung out away from windows together. "Ethan, do you hear that thunder?" BA BOOM! "Yeah! Mo funder?" BA BOOM! (House shakes a little) Ethan smiles. "Funder!!!"
3. Easter is here!

Sorry, I know that last picture is a little blurry - it's definitely a motion shot in which Ethan is yanking off the ears. We are actually going to do something for Easter this year. I really thought Ethan was too little in past years, but now I think we're going to dye some eggs, stick some stickers on them, and call it a holiday. We are also invited to a friend of a friend's house for an exclusive toddler-friendly Easter egg hunt. I am really looking forward to seeing the little boy with other kids, scrambling for eggs. :)