Consider this our belated Easter post. I'm doing a lot of things belatedly these days!
Since last year's U of I playgroup, Ethan and I have been hanging out every month or so with some friends from that group - two little girls a few months older than Ethan. Zoey and Nara are lovely little girls, and it's really nice to hang out with their parents, since we are all sort of going through the same things with our kids - potty training, temper tantrums, and other things that are way more fun and cute. :)
Anyway, Zoey's mom got the idea of having our own, exclusive Easter egg hunt with some additional friends of hers with similarly-aged kids, since we didn't want our babies getting trampled by the older kids at the park egg hunt. I'm really glad we did this - the hostess of this party had this gorgeous backyard where she just scattered a billion eggs (stuffed with stickers, rings, and other toddler-friendly items) and let the kids go at it.

It was so funny - the group of kiddos was split pretty evenly between those who got it and in 5 minutes had a huge basket of eggs, and those (like Ethan) who really didn't understand what the point of the whole thing was. He humored us, and picked up an egg when we told him to, but he could have just explored the back yard on his own and been perfectly happy.

Please take note of the picture below. (Not the fact that Ethan has reverted to putting odd things in his mouth, like the bunny finger puppet he found in an Easter egg.:) No, I mean look at that outfit he's wearing. I think he's pretty sharply dressed, don't you?

Brian and I went to this event in jeans with holes, but Ethan needed a new outfit, of course. Anyway, he turned 2 1/2 exactly on the day we did this Easter egg hunt. What size shirt is he wearing? Not 3, not 4...yes, he is wearing a size 5 on top these days. !!! He is growing up so fast! And so BIG! No one believes how old he is. And while I'm really proud of having such a big, tall, healthy boy, that assumption that he is older than he is can work against him. He hasn't thrown many tantrums in public, thank goodness, but we have gotten some looks in grocery stores when he's beginning to melt down, and I want to explain to people that he's only 2 - he's supposed to do this! He has been the tallest kid in his class for awhile, which is why I'm doubly glad he's not too aggressive. There are some very cute new kids in that class, and they look like babies, while he looks like a little boy! (Sniff!)
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