So since vacationing, it's been busy over here! Work, another trip for Brian, and (oh my goodness) potty training at our house. Yes, potty training. We have taken the absolute slowest approach to this, but the folks at daycare are encouraging us to speed things up. A week ago, we put Ethan in underwear (and I have the cutest picture of him in his little underwear, but I think we might be verging on creepy if I post it!) and prepared to do lots of laundry. He's had a couple of minor accidents, but so far, so good. What I feel badly about is how anxious the little guy has gotten about it recently. He's very willing to do part of his business, but the other part is making him very worried! Poor kid. And it's funny how I've noticed a little bit of regression - he is asking me to lift him into his car seat more now rather than him climbing in by himself, he wants to be carried a lot more (and he's HUGE), and every once in awhile he'll also ask me to sing "Rock A Bye Baby" to him.

This heat wave has finally, finally broken! Yeah! Since Brian's been gone, Ethan and I have been running in the mornings together - just a mile pushing what has to be 45 pounds with a jogging stroller and a toddler - and this morning it was actually
cool. Yeah! Here's looking forward to Fall. (Though it's going to be hard to get Ethan to part with his swimsuit.)

Maybe once Fall comes and we start eating foods like chili, grilled cheese sandwiches, soup, etc., we can put some pounds on this kid. He just keeps growing up rather than out!
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