Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sick Again?!

Yep. The sweet cheerful boy is sick again. I hear that this is "normal" and "very typical" for a two year old who goes to daycare, but in my opinion, this just stinks. We are robbing Ethan of prime sledding and snowman-building weather since he has had a runny nose/watery eyes/cough/stomach bug for the last 10 days to 2 weeks. Brian and I have shared Ethan's joyful bug(s), putting all of us in just super duper moods. (Actually, as usual, Ethan has a better attitude about being sick than the rest of us...)

We've tried to stay creative in the midst of being a little homebound. The above video was the way we tried to help the little boy get used to his brand new sled. When he was healthy for a day, we tried to get him out in our backyard to ride on it, and he refused about a million times. Apparently he didn't have enough friends on the sled riding with him. :)

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