Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Wordsmith

So as you may have noticed, Ethan's speech is no longer a concern. He is talking up a storm, and 99% of what he says makes perfect sense. I thought I'd choose some of my favorites and post them.

1. My personal favorite, at dinner the other night, Ethan is dissatisfied with the food that I served up. His statement, "I want another...anything else." (FB friends, I know you've seen this one before, but I think it's worth reposting. :)
2. I'm picking Ethan up at school the other day. One of his little friends is crying. I say to Ethan, "Oh, is he a little sad?" Ethan replies, "No, he's a big sad."
3. Mr. Ethan is going through a phase where he doesn't want anyone to leave. No one. So one of my favorite/sad statements of his lately has been, "I sad to see Daddy go!" But then the other night at dinner, we reminded Ethan that it was Daddy's turn to do bath. For some reason, it's always Mama's turn, so we prep him when it is most definitely NOT Mama's turn. His reply: "I sad to see Daddy!"
4. I was snuggling on the couch the other morning with him. He got squirmy and I held him tighter. "Mama, I need my space!" Already?!

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