Saturday, November 21, 2009


I am not Earth Mother Extraordinaire. Yes, we used cloth diapers (regrettably only for a year - I won't go into the details of why we stopped! You're welcome. :)) and Brian and I do try to recycle when we can. And I still cook for Ethan most of the time - it feels great to see him really enjoy a muffin that I made, rather than opening a package of something that contains who knows what chemicals and almost no vitamins....(that doesn't stop me from eating that way, but I hate to have the baby eat that crap!)

Anyway, all of my tree-hugger/Birkenstock-wearing/green-Urbana-loving acquaintances would be proud that Ethan had his first tofu today, and he LOVED it. I'm really glad that he enjoys it, because it's probably going to be a frequent source of protein. His blood test results came back, and he is most definitely allergic to peanuts - quite seriously, apparently. He'll even get a little EpiPen. He is also moderately allergic to eggs, which is a surprise, since I've made scrambled eggs for him more than once and didn't notice any reaction. But eggs and peanut butter are two big sources of protein at Chez Jewett-Jones, so we are looking outside the box for alternatives. (To all carnivores: I know, there are dead cows, chickens, and pigs outside that box, too. :) )

Sorry to not have taken pictures of the experience! He ate too fast...and then when he started getting full, he thought it was great fun to mash it and drop it all on the floor. Cleaning up mashed tofu is no fun!


Cynthia said...

Yea for tofu! Charlotte ate it for a while, but has since rejected it :(. You may also want to try lentils--an excellent source of protein and iron. I had never made them before, but I substituted it for chicken in chicken, veggie, and rice soup and Charlotte loved it! And her digestive system seemed to tolerate it better than black beans:)

Kim said...

Quinoa is also a super-food. Even though it's a grain, it has a TON of protein in it, and it's delicious.

Brian and Alexis (and Ethan) said...

Oooh, good suggestions - thanks, you two!