Sunday, May 23, 2010


Two weeks without a post! Shame on me. We're busy these days!

Ethan is getting closer and closer to talking these days, which is really fun. Lots of "talking" on the phone, anyway! Brian and I never get tired of seeing that. :) He's also such a curious, studious little guy, too. Just recently he discovered my digital camera (that has been collecting dust since the iPhone came home) and figured out how to turn it on and off and take a few pictures. (He may have had a little help with that first one...:)
Besides playing with the camera, we are getting ready for a big trip - to New Mexico! The last time Ethan was on a plane was last July, and he was a great little well-behaved boy. But now he's so very mobile, and I do wonder if he'll be more of an, um, adventure this time. I have plans to bring lots of fun things for him to play with, but he may just want to explore the plane and kick the seat in front of him. We'll see. :)

To get ready for this trip and our yearly July trip to the beach, Brian and I bought a baby backpack to cart Ethan around. It's been so much fun to walk around our local parks with him attached, and some seriously good exercise for his parents - carrying around an extra 30-some pounds isn't easy after awhile!
I can't wait to share pictures of hikes in Santa Fe!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

remember that baby backpack is our "baby" gift to you guys! let us know the damages.