Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Dear Daycare,

I would appreciate it if, in the future, you would not refer to my adorable, sweet, PERFECT son as "passive aggressive" when I am discussing his communication strategies with you. I understand that he tends to ignore you when you want him to clean up after lunch, and you have to ask him more than once. But in describing these situations, I would prefer that you use other wording, such as: "He ignores us", or "he's a tease", or "he's so cute and amazing and absolutely the best kid in the class".

Hearing "passive aggressive" makes me want to rip your face off. Of course I won't, but I'll think about it. For just a second.

After all, no one in Ethan's family is passive aggressive...I can't think of anyone who would, for example, smile politely as you were talking and then come home and write about the situation on her blog. :)

Ethan's Devoted and Completely Unbiased Mother


Anonymous said...

passive aggressive? and he's not even two?
could it be that he's simply acting his age???
let me at her.

Cynthia said...

Insane! I can't believe they actually said that to you!!! I don't even know a single almost-two-year old who wouldn't qualify as passive-aggressive by their standards (and Charlotte would be number one on their naughty list:). Maybe you should ask them if they would prefer an aggressive child instead of just passive-aggressive. You could train him to bite his teachers:)