Friday, November 26, 2010

Thankful for....

So much! First of all, our little boy used the potty two nights ago! Wow. We aren't expecting this to happen on a regular basis from now on, of course, but he knew just how to ask for it, where to go, and even wanted his diaper off. (We've been putting him on the potty for awhile now with the diaper on...) Go Ethan!!!

Thanksgiving was great, though a tad chaotic at first. Ethan's fever shot up again on Wednesday afternoon, prompting my fury to spike as well, since this poor baby has been sick so much this Fall, and all his doctor wants to do is let his little body take care of it in time. (Um, apparently that isn't working!) Luckily, we saw a very very nice pediatrician during her evening hours, and she told us what to do next - if Mr. Ethan's ears aren't totally free of fluid after the current round of drugs, we are going to get his tubes reinserted. I'm not anxious to have him under the knife again anytime soon, but I'd rather get this taken care of instead of having him on antibiotics every two-three weeks.

This round of drugs is gradually clearing up the cough that he's had on and off for about two months, but didn't do it in time for Thanksgiving. :) You will notice that Ethan is wearing a couple of different outfits in the following dinner pics. So am I. That's because his cough had gotten bad enough to make him lose all of whatever he recently ate - over and over and over again. But he had a pretty good time anyway! There were many people to run to and play with that evening.
My daddy thinks it's funny to take pictures of me that look like I'm drinking a bottle of beer....

My Auntie Andrea is watching me waste lots of water...

Awwww....I'm sorry for puking on you, Mom!

The rest of the weekend was fairly stress-free, which was nice. Brian's mom and sister were staying with us, and we discovered that Brian's mom isn't Grammy, as she is with the four other grandsons, but "Mimi". (He has continued to ask for Mimi since she left on Saturday!) We can't figure out if he has a name for Aunt Kim or Gramma (my mom), but we'll work on that. My mom, especially, is really ready for Ethan to acknowledge her in some way. :)

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