Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Speech, Speech!

Ethan's vocabulary is really increasing these days, which is so adorable! (And also means that this is a photo-free entry - sorry. :) I'm sure that part of it is that he's getting older and it's just happening naturally, but I think that the speech help he's been getting for awhile now is also a big part of it. Sarah, Ethan's Speech Therapist, is just so great, and thinks that the cute little boy is doing better and better each week. (And she is just so darn fun - I am so tempted to act like I'm 7 years old and say, "Will you be my friend and play with ME now?")

So I thought I'd devote this post to Ethan's new and improving vocabulary, especially since a good part of it needs some translation. For those of you who are going to be seeing us over the holidays, here's a primer for Ethan-speak:

A, Ta, Ta = Up. Don't ask me why. And he says it a lot, usually when he wants to get up someplace he shouldn't be, to get something he shouldn't get. :)
Adda = Open. Again, no idea how that translates, but I'm sure that's what that means. We hear a lot of that, especially when he wants to open things that he shouldn't get....(I sense a theme here.)
Hawhee = Honey. Now that he's a big two year old boy, I feel comfortable giving him honey, and he LOVES it. Wants hawhee on everything, and once I put it on his toast, cracker, or muffin, he'll suck the honey off and then yell for more.
Geddo = Together. Ethan has learned this word since we usually have to travel everywhere together. I would be more annoyed that I can't use the bathroom on my own most of the time, but I know that in a year or two, "Do it myself" is going to be a favorite phrase. I'll take "geddo" as long as I can.

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