Sunday, February 20, 2011


We have a snuggly boy on our hands. I will never ever want that to change. Lately, he's been even more snuggly, and since his vocabulary is increasing, we are having even more fun with him.

Because we are a moderately touchy-feely couple, Ethan is becoming a touchy-feely boy. He knows several emotion words now - sad, happy, and mad, and can usually name them to the appropriate situation. (If he hears a baby crying in the store, he'll pay close attention and say, "Sad baby." And lots of pictures of characters in the books we read are "Happy" - especially the mommies of the babies who are using the potty - we are choosing a lot of those books these days. :)

His favorite word lately is "Hug!" This so sweet, though I am just beginning to realize that he is using the hugs to often times avoid things that he doesn't want to do - like get his shoes on, get his diaper changed, get his face wiped after a meal...But it is really hard to resist. We give him about a million hugs right before bed, and he is still holding his arms out for more as we leave the room - who can resist that? Here he is soon before bed (hence the half-clothed look) getting some much-needed cuddling and saying hi to Papa (Grampa) while mowing the kitchen floor:

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