Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Countdown Begins

I should have posted this on August 13, but as usual, the weekend went by without me even noticing! But in a few short months (six), I will be turning the big 4-0. My mom is nice enough to gasp every time we discuss it, "Are you really turning FORTY this year? How can I have a forty year old daughter?!" Thanks, Mom. :)

To celebrate, I need to do something. Something that proves that I am not getting old and decrepit. When I was anticipating turning 30, I decided that I wanted to run a marathon before my 30th birthday. So, my first thought: A marathon. My second thought: Who the hell am I kidding?! I have no time for 4 hour training runs these days, nor do I really want to spend that much time away from home breaking my knees apart. So then I considered a half-marathon. There is actually one in Austin, TX the weekend right after my birthday. I would love an excuse to go back to Austin - the last time I was there was in 2006 for a history conference, and I really loved it! Great town. If you have to live in Texas, you should definitely live there. But the flights for the three of us would just be too expensive.

So I cheaped out. I revisited the Roadtrip!!! website and decided that's what I'd do. I found a "trip" that is reasonable for me to do in about six months, and I'm going to try to accomplish a tour of Michigan by the time I turn 40 on February 13. So far, I have 2.5 miles logged out of 297. I'm going to need to get a little more ambitious if I'm going to make it by February! Or, I could just delay this birthday thing entirely...that's looking more appealing by the minute.

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