Friday, November 21, 2008

Common Sense

As you read this, you'll have to imagine the sheepish look on my face as I think about our one month Well Baby check up today. First of all, the doctor is amazing - I am already thinking about him as "our" doctor rather than Ethan's pediatrician! Very down-to-earth, and the phrase that comes to mind as I think about his thoughts and advice is, "common sense." For example, Ethan has some problems with reflux. It doesn't affect him in a serious way; the kid is 11 pounds 7 ounces at 4 weeks old. (His newborn clothes are already starting to look a little snug...) 95th percentile, I think...jeez. I've heard and read about suggestions for this problem such as holding him upright 45 minutes after eating (which I've been doing for 2 weeks now), putting up the head of the bassinet, getting a sleep wedge so that he's on an incline....all of which Brian and I have done diligently in our efforts to keep the boy from spitting up, especially after we put him to sleep. (The spitting up isn't the problem - the problem is the choking noises that I think I keep hearing him make when he's on his back!) What I've apparently ignored is that he spits up a ton anyway - even when he's sitting up straight! So why am I holding him upright for an hour in the middle of the night??? There must be experienced parents out there reading this who are laughing up a storm...I will feel much better if any of you would respond to this post by sharing similar silly-new-parent stories with me by clicking on the "comments" link below this post!

Anyway, by all reports we have a very healthy boy, and we're so grateful. I hear from people all over that, "This stage won't last!" and "It gets easier," and I'm also grateful for that! His digestive system will catch up to his appetite, he won't always be fussy for hours at a time anywhere between 6 pm and 3 am...but the problem with that is that he also won't always be trying out these adorable facial expressions, or making the best bird/dinosaur/cat noises when he's happy or waking up...

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