Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Not quite as gifted :)

I have been looking forward to Ethan's 4 month appointment for ages! (Pretty much since his 2 month appointment...I just love his pediatrician, who is a seriously smart and down to earth guy.) Besides the usual checking up and hearing how great Ethan's doing from someone who actually knows what he's talking about, Brian and I were a little worried after I discovered that Ethan hadn't gained any weight. (I saw his weight when I took him in for something else last week.) You know, of course, that it would absolutely be the doctor's fault if Ethan wasn't growing appropriately...:)

No, the reason we were preparing for battle is that Ethan is still Volcano Boy. I think my coworkers might have gotten the stains out of the carpet from when I took Ethan by two weeks ago for a visit, but people were mopping up after us everywhere we went! He doesn't just spit up, he gushes! Brian or I will be holding him, walking around the house, and we'll hear "splat" behind us from where the boy has spit up half of a recent or even not so recent meal. Lovely! I really don't mind the laundry, but when I noticed that the boy hadn't gained weight, I was ready for some suggestions - after all, Ethan started off life in the 95% percentile - can't let that future as a sumo wrestler pass him up!

But it's all good. Ethan hasn't gained any weight, that is true, but his head and his length are still increasing proportionally. So we've got a long, slightly skinny baby. (For those of you out there who know Brian, you know this boy is taking after his dad already!)


Anonymous said...

hey, who says tall and skinny isn't as gifted?? come to think of it, all the tall and skinny people i know ARE gifted!
you tell 'em, ethan!

Brian and Alexis (and Ethan) said...

You'll have to speak with your brother about that one! He was loving that Ethan was in the top 5% of his baby weight class! He's ready to feed him pizza to work his way back up...but I don't think that's what the doctor meant when he said we could start solids....:)