Thursday, March 26, 2009


This is sort of an uncomfortable topic to post, but I can't resist.  I could entitle it, "What I Did on My Spring Break" or "Teething"...but I think the title I chose is best.  

Let's get this out of the way now:  Breast breast breast breast breast.

OK, now those I've offended or disgusted have left the site and have gone on to other things, thinking, "Too much information, Alexis!"  Probably...

Ethan's little tooth is causing all kinds of problems at Chez Jewett-Jones.  Even though I know that some babies find nursing soothing when they're teething, Ethan doesn't seem to be one of those kids.  He's writhing, crying, and otherwise finding nursing uncomfortable these days.  (And a writhing baby with a sharp corner of a tooth isn't too comfortable for the nursing mom, either, to be totally selfish!)   To make things a little more complicated, he and I have been having supply and demand problems since I went back to work.  And having to work harder is not what his little mouth seems to want right now!   Tonight he actually pulled away (which hasn't happened in months) and starting whimpering and sucking on his thumb after about a minute of nursing...:(  Poor little guy.  

I've been searching the baby sites and blogs for suggestions, and I read about so many women who nurse through countless cases of mastitis, serious illness, etc.  I think these women are made of stronger stuff than I am.  I don't want to stop nursing, because I love that time with the little man!  I really feel close to him.  But I don't know if he and I are exactly clicking right now. 

It's lucky for him he's so cute.  :)  And he is so cute!  He's started "talking" which basically means these lovely hilarious shrieking sounds.  He seems to be really enjoying the sound of his voice, which is good, because it's getting louder and louder.  So funny to hear, but as he got really shrill today, Brian remarked, "I don't think there's anyway to get this genie back in the bottle, is there?"

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