Saturday, January 2, 2010

Who's Edna?

No cute pictures this time, everyone. Sorry. :)

Ethan has not yet said his first word. He's having long, full babbling conversations with and about something or someone, however! Edna (or maybe Aidan?) is a combination of vowels and consonants that we hear coming from his mouth pretty regularly when he gets excited, so I think that he's developed an imaginary friend and he's telling her (or him) what bad parents he has. You know, the ones who take him away from his toys to change his diaper, who won't let him play with the oven, and who try to put on his mittens when we go outside in the frigid single-digit temperatures.

While we're anxiously awaiting "mama" and "dada", we're really enjoying the sounds that he comes up with - they sound so much like real speech! And he has been so giggly lately. I can't wait for some talking, but I know that "mama" could potentially be yelled from a crib in the middle of the night, and "noooooo" will someday be screamed from the front of a shopping cart in the middle of Target. I'll enjoy the babble while it lasts. :)

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

No pictures?!? What a rip off. I'm never reading this blog again;-). I hope you find out what Edna actually is. It made me so happy when I figured out that "ah pee" was "open". Maybe it's "I want" or "all done" or something. I hope you find out soon!