Monday, December 8, 2008

The Squirminator

Well, we've begun to make the crib/nursery transition. It has been easier for Brian and me than I had imagined - his crib is actually right behind the wall of our bedroom, so we don't even need a baby monitor to hear every sound the boy makes. Very comforting! However, his squirminess gave me a fright the first night he was in there. We've been using these great fleece wearable blankets - just wrap the sides around his arms, attach the velcro strips, and he's swaddled. But the active boy has been restless enough to pull his arms out during every nap, so we decided to leave one arm out and see how that worked. When I went in to check on him, he had pulled the top velcro bunch up so it was right around his neck, and the blanket part above that was over his face. GREAT! So no more of the swaddling above his arms.

When rereading my post about wonderful Brian the other day, I realized that my comments about having a hard time leaving Ethan seemed a little dramatic! But my colleague Cynthia loaned me this wonderful book entitled, "Wiped! Life with a Pint-Size Dictator" which is amazing and perfectly describes my feelings - when I've been walking, rocking, and swaying with him for hours, I can't wait for him to go to sleep. But then when he's asleep, I want to touch him and wake him up again! Very perverse...

Look at how strong my neck has gotten!


Kim said...

Alexis, he certainly is a beautiful baby.

Brian and Alexis (and Ethan) said...

Thanks, Kim! We think he's pretty cute. :)